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Services Research Figures Scientific Illustration Service journal publications for academics
journal & book


Research Figures Scientific Illustration Service Journal and Book Illustrations Service

about this service

plans and prices

Scientific illustrations that capture the reader's attention and explain your research clearly and intuitively are a great way of communicating your work. At Research Figures this is the bread and butter of our service. We take great care in understanding your project so as to create unique graphics that tell the story of your research and highlight its contribution to your field.


Types of figure available include: scientific, technical and conceptual diagrams, maps, 2D and 3D models, and more. We can provide these figures in a variety of image and file formats so they are reusable across different media such as journal articles, books, conference posters, public outreach and advertising, press-releases, project and personal websites, and grant applications.


We also provide original image vector files so you can save illustrations to different formats in the future and make updates or small changes to them should you choose to do so.

1A) STANDARD graphics

Illustrations in this plan are typically lower-complexity designs, such as 2D maps or conceptual diagrams, where you may have provided plotted data or a rough sketch/layout of your desired image at the initial stage of consultation.

price 150–300*


Illustrations in this plan are typically more complex designs such as 3D maps, highly detailed images, or conceptual and methodological diagrams with multiple panels, graphs, and images/icons.

price €300–700*
data visualisations

2. data visualisations

Research Figures Scientific Illustration Service Data Visualisations Service for academic journal publications

about this service

Clear, perceptive data visualisations are one of the best ways to summarise your research findings and tie together multiple aspects of your work. These images enhance the narrative of your research by helping readers to understand the importance of your data. We create plots, graphs and maps that highlight key trends in complex data sets using intuitive designs, layouts, colour schemes, and symbols; these create a consistent and familiar theme across your research outputs that is recognisable to your audience.

Illustrations can be sent to you in a variety of file and image formats and at various levels of detail so you can use them in journal articles or as simplified versions for public outreach.

plans and prices

2A) STANDARD graphics

Data visualisations in this plan typically consist of lower-complexity, single-panel graphs or plots where you may have provided us with the data in a basic plotted form (e.g. plots saved in Excel, R, SPSS outputs, or similar). We work to de-clutter and highlight key trends in the data through stylisation, adding or updating the colour scheme, and the addition of basic supporting images, icons, or pictographs.

price 150–300*


Data visualisations in this category typically consist of higher-complexity, multi-panel graphs or plots where you may have provided us with data displayed in multiple basic plots, which require combining and enhancing with numerous supporting images, icons, or pictographs.


This category also covers visualisations where you provide us with unprocessed, raw data (e.g. raw numerical data in a spreadsheet, table, or data matrix) that we plot for you (e.g. 3D line graphs, scatter plots, ordinations, etc.). Please contact us with your specific requirements to learn more about how we can plot and visualise your data.

price €250–600*
graphical abstracts

3. Graphical Abstracts

Research Figures Scientific Illustration Service Graphical Abstracts and Diagrams Service

about this service

plans and prices

Today more and more publishers require manuscripts to be submitted with a graphical abstract. These abstracts consist of a single image which clearly and succinctly summarises the key  findings of your article or project. Once produced, graphical abstracts also have considerable potential to be reused in oral and poster presentations, outreach material, press releases, and on websites.

The turnaround time and associated cost of a graphical abstract depends on its complexity, including: number of elements, whether or not data to be included has been plotted, and whether you have provided a rough scheme or sketch.

price €150–550*
image enhancment

4. image enhancement & figure formatting

Research Figures Scientific Illustration Service Image Enhancement & Figure Formatting Service

about this service

plans and prices

As your research progresses you may have existing figures or images that you would like to be rearranged, incorporated into composite figures, or adapted. At Research Figures we can update your existing illustrations to meet journal requirements, including: redrawing, resizing, adding and changing emphasis, formatting text, de-cluttering, altering layout, removing noise, image sharpening, colour adjustments, and stylisation.

The turnaround time and associated cost of enhancing and formatting depends on the figure/image complexity, including: whether redrawing is required, the number of images to be edited and combined, and whether or not you have provided a rough scheme or sketch.

price €75–300*
icons and logos

5. icons, logos & pictograms

Research Figures Scientific Illustration Service Infographics, Icons, Logos and Pictograms Service

about this service

Distinct logos, unique to your research group, institution, seminar series or conference, are an excellent way of enhancing your research profile. An eye-catching, recognisable logo creates a sense of familiarity and professionalism which is associated with you and your work and allows you to stand out from the crowd.


Custom icons that symbolically encapsulate and succinctly communicate an idea or concept, method, tool, object, process, or action, are a great way of helping an audience understand your research while also creating a sense of consistency across different types of research outputs (e.g. websites, journal articles, social media, presentations, and more).

plans and prices

The turnaround time and associated cost of the creation of logos, icons, and pictograms depends on the image complexity, including: number of elements, and whether or not you have provided a rough scheme or sketch.

price €100–450*
Academic Avatars

6. academic avatars

Dr Sandy McDonald Academic Avatar Research figures

about this service

Avatars are great for your social media profile and outreach material. They are also a bit of fun! We can customise them however you’d like with different colour schemes and icons to represent your research interests!

plans and prices

You'll need to send us a picture of yourself so we can draw your avatar. All avatars are a standard cost.

price €30

* Please note that the price ranges listed above represent typical costs for our graphics services. Each project we undertake is unique, involving different levels of complexity and amounts of time. We therefore cost work on a project by project basis. Consequently, the price ranges shown above are not fixed and may vary depending on the nature of the work(s) requested. If you would like to know more about pricing please see our User Agreement & Terms of Service page.

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